Engagement Agreement for Legal Services

When it comes to engaging a lawyer for legal services, it`s important to have a clear and thorough agreement in place between the client and the attorney. This agreement, often referred to as the engagement agreement, outlines the terms of the legal services to be provided and the responsibilities of both parties.

Here are some key elements that should be included in an engagement agreement for legal services:

Scope of the Legal Services:

The agreement should clearly define the scope of the legal services that the attorney will provide. This can include the specific legal matter that the attorney will be handling, the anticipated timeline for completing the work, and any limitations on the attorney`s services.

Responsibilities of the Attorney:

The engagement agreement should also detail the responsibilities of the attorney in providing the legal services. This can include requirements such as keeping the client informed about the progress of the case, communicating any changes to the scope of the services, and providing legal advice to the client.

Responsibilities of the Client:

The engagement agreement should also outline the responsibilities of the client. This can include providing the attorney with all necessary information and documentation related to the case, paying any fees or expenses associated with the legal services, and complying with any requests or instructions from the attorney.

Fees and Expenses:

One of the most important elements of an engagement agreement is the fee arrangement. The agreement should clearly outline the fee structure for the legal services, including any hourly rates, retainer fees, or contingency fees that may apply. It should also specify any expenses that the client will be responsible for, such as court fees or travel expenses.


Another important consideration in an engagement agreement is confidentiality. The agreement should specify that the attorney will keep all client information and communication confidential, and detail any exceptions that may apply (such as a legal requirement to disclose certain information).


Finally, the engagement agreement should outline the circumstances under which either party may terminate the agreement. This can include situations where the client decides to retain a different attorney, or where the attorney determines that they can no longer provide the necessary legal services.

By including these key elements in an engagement agreement for legal services, both the client and the attorney can have a clear understanding of their rights and obligations. A well-drafted agreement can help to avoid misunderstandings and disputes, and ensure that the legal services are provided in a professional and effective manner.